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Consulting Services, Opt-Out,

& Other FAQ's

What kind of diversity work do you do?


I work to dismantle institutional and systemic racism within education. In my current role as System Equity Director within the City Schools of Decatur system, I have made a commitment to affirm all aspects of multiple identities by continually interrogating and disrupting racist and oppressive systems and practices and rebuilding them with interculturalism and inclusivity at the center.


"You are awesome and I want to hire you.

Can you come to work with my group?"


Sure! In recent years, I have supported schools and districts, colleges and universities, organizations and networks to strengthen our capacities to act collectively, strategically, and impactfully in advancing equity and justice in education.


From direct consultation with leaders to workshops and initiatives with small or large groups, my services can be tailored to your unique needs, contexts, goals, and budget.


Recent topics have included:

  • Strategic planning and implementation

  • Transforming curriculum, instruction, and programs

  • Preparing teachers, leaders, scholars, and advocates

  • Leveraging research and scholarship to impact policy and the public debate

  • Deepening and broadening understandings of racial and other forms of injustice, their intersections, and their implications 


Begin planning your next collaboration and consultation by contacting me today.



Can I opt my child out of the state test/Milestones?


Heck Yeah!


GA law (purposely) does not permit nor deny your ability to opt your child out of a standardized test. However, school systems have been known to threaten consequences for doing so frequently. To my knowledge, no such consequences have been applied to a student opting out - if the parent files the appropriate appeal and is diligent in pursuing it to fruition (see the text below).  


Please click this link to download a template of a suggested opt-out letter that applies to the latest laws in GA 2018-19. If you send a letter, please make sure that you also cc the following individuals.

  • The teacher

  • the principal

  • the Board

  • Your state rep


There are many others involved in this type of effort in GA. Many of them know more than I do about this aspect of opting out. I have shared with you all I know at the moment in the hope that something will be of assistance. Please be sure to let me know if I can support you further. You are doing the right thing for your child. Know that and stand firm in that knowledge. 


Where can I get more information about opting out?


Are you active on FB? If so, there is a group dedicated to Opting Out in GA. Many parents go there to gain advice, support, information, etc. There, you will be able to communicate with wonderful people who are much more up-to-date on the information than I because they are in the trenches trying to do what you are doing now. I strongly suggest the FB group. There are a LOT of knowledgeable parents in that network. 


"I Don't Use Social Media and I'm Not on Facebook. Where can I get more Opt-Out help?"


There are several people who have dedicated time and resources toward helping parents get out of the standardized testing nightmare which is public education in Georgia.


I suggest and stand behind the following people and resources.



Just Say No to Standardized Tests: Why and How to Opt-Out 

Federal Law and Regulations on Opting Out Under ESSA (Updated February 2018)


Organizations That Can Provide More Info

Fair Test



United Opt-Out Coordinators

James Martinez

Meg Norris





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